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Volume 1. Infancy and childhood

von George Spencer-Brown

ISBN 978-3-89094-355-8 (ISBN10 3-89094-355-1),
120 Seiten, Softcover, Format DIN-A5, Dieses Buch ist in Englischer Sprache - This Book is in English!
1. Auflage, 14,90 €     kaufenBuch in den Warenkorb legen

Dies ist das Cover des Buches Autobiography, erschienen im Bohmeier Verlag.



Many people can remember the 1920's, but it takes a remarkable skill to recreate those far-off days for readers who were born too late to experience them. Professor Spencer-Brown, whose classic works Laws of Form and Only Two can play This Game were both best-selling Bantam paperbacks, is perhaps the only writer who can bring to life the secret loves, fantasies, and frustrations of a two-year-old who recalls 1925 as if it were only yesterday.

Praise for this Book
I find it remarkable for the author's description of the sadistic relations with his mother. I think the premise is good, the title attractive and the length excellent. I am taken by the song, especially in its German translation. It almost sounds better in a foreign language, and appropriate for that language to be the language of Nietzsche and Brecht.
The best part of the book, however, seemed to be - and quite properly - the last chapter. The story of the demise of the family fortunes is dramatic and essential. The author's climactic account of not murdering his mother is equally so; and the subsequent detailing of his love for her and for his father adds a necessary note of catharsis. I was very impressed by all of this. There is something Jacobean about it.

I have never seen anything so funny. The observations of a two-year-old on the adults in his life are devastating.

Contens of Volume 1:
Chapter 1. - I am born
Chapter 2. - Christopher Robin and Pooh
Chapter 3. - The seaside
Chapter 4. - The lavatory
Chapter 5. - The cost of living
Chapter 6. - Learning to talk
Chapter 7. - The philosopher
Chapter 8. - The magician
Chapter 9. - Sand engineering
Chapter 10. - Skipping through to thirteen
Chapter 11. - Life in the nineteen twenties
Chapter 12. - That girls’ school again
Chapter 13. - Ashby
Chapter 14. - My brother’s pram
Chapter 15. - Fireworks
Chapter 16. - Goodbye to all that
Chapter 17. - My father
My grandfather's obituary

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ISBN 978-3-89094-355-8, 120 Seiten, Softcover, Format DIN-A5, Dieses Buch ist in Englischer Sprache - This Book is in English!
Preis: 14,90 €

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